Baxter – Fall 2014

Conditions Report!

October 12-14, 2014

Some years you find ice to climb in October, other years you are hiking in your underwear. The weather started out cold on our trip and we were hopeful, but this was not an ice climbing year. We still had fun and explored some new areas to the Northwest of Baxter Peak. The Northwest Basin is simply amazing and worth the 8 mile approach. Below are a few photos from our trip. Enjoy!

Doug Plateau 2

Doug on the Northwest Plateau headed back to Roaring Brook after exploring the Northwest Basin. Yes, underwear time!

Photo Gallery


*Click Photos to Enlarge

– Doug Millen

September rime ice!

It was an excellent day above tree line on Sunday.  Cool temps with a bluebird sky above and an undercast below.  Not to mention, evidence of the first overnight freeze of the season!

There’s nothing like a little rime ice to feed the psych!

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(click on thumbnails to enlarge)

Photos by Courtney Ley





Omega in April

Franconia Notch NH
April 17, 2014

What happens when you get  a ton of rain over a snowpack, and than a cold front moves through…Omega in April…that’s what!  Here again it proves that you have to anticipate and be ready for unique ice climbing conditions. Peter Doucette has been following the conditions all winter and taking advantage of the unique conditions as they happen. Peter and Adam were ready and got a 3:45 am start for this adventure. Perfect!  What great  ice climbing. Just look at the photos…great bonded ice, and the lighting could not be any better. Fantastic late season ice climbing. Remember…It’s not “OVA” till it’s “OVA”.



Peter Doucette


Adam Bidwell

 Photos by Adam Bidwell and Peter Doucette

Also see  Here Today, Gone Tomorrow!

An Alpine Meditation

By Gabriel Flanders

I awoke with tired legs from a long ski tour the day before.  It felt lovely to shuffle around a warm apartment , pour cup after cup of coffee and relax on the sofa with my girl.  However, a glance at the Mount Washington Observatory’s addictive “current summit conditions” page caused me to sit forward.  The wind, howling yesterday, was down to single digit speeds.  And the clouds that wreathed the ridge had given way to “130 miles” visibility.  The summit temperature was even above zero Fahrenheit!  I had to go.

I have hiked, run and climbed on Mount Washington and its environs many times over the years.  I always feel a tension between comfort on familiar terrain and giving the devil his due:  It can certainly be an extreme environment, one in which more than a few fatal mistakes have been made.  So despite the blue sky, I felt like a bit of a blasphemer when I rolled into Pinkham Notch and shouldered my pack at a leisurely half past noon.

The pack was image-3light though, and the conditions were perfect.  A nicely packed trail allowed easy progress toward the ridges, slopes and buttresses above.  The last time I’d been there, the trail sported a less hospitable surface of rain-gouged ice and rock, but today it offered a dense, smooth snowpack.  Microspikes and poles weren’t really necessary, but gave extra confidence and allowed me to set a rapid, shuffle-step pace.

Higher up the trail I turned right toward Huntington Ravine, having encountered just a few souls on the “Tux” trail.  After passing Raymond’s Cataract and its grand boulder, I leaned into the slope and quickened my pace, anticipating my first glimpse of the ravine’s gullies and rock walls.  The trail swung around a corner, and sure enough, that first glimpse did not disappoint.  I’ve stood in the same place many times in many seasons, but it is always a thrill to look up into that austere cathedral.  On the left, Odell’s Gully bulged with blue water ice.  Next came the stacked stone diamonds of Pinnacle Buttress, hiding its eponymous gully from view.  The gigantic dihedral of Central Gully sat atop the apex of the fan.  Right of Central, ribbons of ice and snow coursed down the ravine’s proud north wall.

In the winter, more often than not, I’ve paused to take in that grand vista and felt the first blast of icy wind rolling down from the ravine, foretelling tough conditions and more layers for the rest of the journey.  On this day, the air was still, clear and so very quiet.  I heard two voices echo faintly from the top of Yale Gully, but could not see another living souimage-1l.

As I weaved among the boulders and began to ascend the canted snow of the Fan, visions and impressions of other visits passed through my mind.  I thought of arriving at the same point in a frigid, swirling wind, halfheartedly swinging a tool into the ice, then turning around and trudging downhill toward safer ground.  I thought of the day my friend Alan and I bent our heads in the middle of Yale Gully and slurped water from the ice, relishing the unexpected gift during a marathon day.  I thought of the day I emerged from the confines of North Gully and let the scouring wind push me northeastward toward the auto road.  And inevitably, as I looked up the long line of Damnation Gully, I thought of my friend Ned- his slow-motion, tumbling fall, and the state of grace I hoped he’d felt at the end of his life.  In my mind, I was able to justify the risk of the endeavor I was about to undertake- climbing an alpine route alone and without a rope- by noting my levels of comfort, strength and skill.  Also, I said to myself, “I’m doing the same thing but not in exactly the same place as Ned,” as if somehow my loved ones would be any less angry and heartbroken if I met a similar end.

Flawed thinking perhaps, but standing at the base of the bulging icefall below Yale Gully, I felt… Calm.  In control.  Prepared.  Focused.  Happy.  Reverent.  I quickly transitioned to ice tools and crampons, donned helmet and extra layers, and got to grips with the climbing.  The ever-changing surface held my attention, as the thick bulges were variously glazed with brittle ice, sun-rotted snow or alternating layers of both.  I focused on absolute security, to the extent it existed, by testing and carefully inspecting each tool and crampon placement.  As I ascended my intended line of ice flows just south of Yale Gully, the least secure moments were actually transitioning from the ice to pockets of stunted spruce and unconsolidated snow.  But I found my way past various obstacles and made steady progress, soon arriving back in the horizontal realm of the Alpine Garden.

sastrugiThe sun still shone, the quiet still echoed, and I still felt the fire inside, so after a brief pause, a few gulps of liquid and a glance at the time, I shouldered my pack and moved up the slope toward Nelson Crag and the summit.  Banks of sastrugi, wind-sculpted snow, slowed my progress but entranced me with their arching, graceful patterns of shadow and light.  Toward the top of Nelson Crag I wove among rocks and caught sight of the proud sentinels that make up the northern end of the range.  Hidden from view, on the far side of these masses of stone, lay the ashes of a loved one felled by cancer.  I thought of a small jar of ashes on my mantle, of a loved one felled by drink, waiting for a suitable resting place.

Simultaneously I came into the wind that accelerated as it was compressed over the summit cone.  It seems silly looking back on it, but in that moment it came as a rude shock that six degrees Fahrenheit was still cold when you set the air in motion.  I was acutely aware of my own insignificance and frailty in this place.  I felt the cold sting my skin and sap my energy, donning a balaclava before quickly striding on to the summit.

It was strange to know that just on the other side of the metal, glass and concrete walls of the observatory, other people went about their tasks in comfort and safety.  Yet, I felt entirely alone, atop a cold and unforgiving landscape.  A holy place, its ridges dropping away like flying buttresses, cairns marching like rows of squat gargoyles.  As I acknowledged the privilege accorded to me, I felt the yawning space between my perch and safety.  The cold wind bit, the sun sat low in the sky, and I felt the weight of my responsibility to my young son and loved ones.


And so, with one more look around and one more silent prayer of gratitude, I plunged downhill toward Tuckerman Ravine and the Lion Head ridge.  Racing across the ridge, I appreciated  shifting views of the huge, beautiful features of the mountain.  Meeting the treeline, I plunged into the forest and peeled off my balaclava.  At the foot of the ridge, I paused to eat, drink and breathe a sigh of relief- I was safe.  With miles to go and light left in the sky, I was home.


Photos by Gabriel Flanders (click to enlarge)

Scottish Winter

Arch Enemy – Scottish V,5… it should be pretty moderate with good gear. 2 hours, 150 feet, one stopper, one shitty spectre at 80 feet threatening to torque out of the crack if it takes a fall, and a hard-fought hex at 110′ or so… Steep sugary powder, shitty sticks, feet threatening to disintegrate and send me tumbling, and that questioning feeling of “is this going to fucking hold?” with every swing and every kick. I climb at least half the route blind, alternating between glasses on and off at least 15 times as my face is sandblasted by 40mph winds and spindrift.

Where's the gear!?!?!?!

Where’s the gear!?!?!?!

Welcome to fucking Scotland!

It’s no wonder the Brits kill it in the greater ranges. The approaches are long, the ice quality is shit, the pro is hard-fought, and the weather absolutely blows. And this is on the nice and easy days!

Scottish Winter

article by Patrick Cooke

I was in Scotland this past week  to take part in the the BMC’s International Winter Meet, an event held every two years to bring climbers from around the world together to experience what winter climbing in Scotland is all about. For six days, I’d be paired with British climbers and have an opportunity to see what Scottish winter climbing is all about.

It’s important to note I didn’t say “ice climbing” here, because my first day out, and the whole trip in general, highlighted that Scottish winter climbing is NOT ice climbing as we know it. You’re not going to find waterfalls to rival the Lake or Poko in Scotland. Instead you’re going to find verglassed rock, rime ice, turf, and good old-fashioined mixed climbing. In essence, you’ll find a bit of everything you’d find in the greater ranges, all packed into Scotland’s short, yet impressive mountains.

Day One: The Obligatory Visitor’s Sandbag

The first day was about introductions – getting to know Stuart, my host, and getting a feel for what climbing in Scotland would be like. With high winds and some dangerous avy conditions forecasted, we decided to stay local and hit up a relatively new crag in the Cairngorms called Cha No. From the onset I knew I was in for it… as we ascended and turned a corner, the wind just tore at my face. All I could think was “I really wish I hadn’t shaved my beard!”

This doesn't bode well...

This doesn’t bode well…

Rapping into Cha No gave us some respite from the wind, which we of course wasted by turning the corner and starting up Arch Enemy. Nearly 2 hours of groveling ensued, eventually digging through the cornice and secure ground only to be entirely in the path of the wind. I really wish my goggles weren’t securely stowed in my pack at the top of the rap-in point.

The rest of the day was cake: We stayed out of the wind, climbed some cruiser moderate lines, and made it back to the cars just before dark. First at the cliff, last to leave – a sign of a good day of climbing!

Finding more reasonable protection on Chimney Rib

Finding more reasonable protection on Chimney Rib

Day Two: Don’t Trust the Locals

One of the unique things about Scotland is that you need to earn your climbing. Approaches of an hour and a half are short in Scotland. Day two saw us driving to Glen Coe (some 2+ hours from the Glenmore Lodge where we were staying) to head up to climb at Stob Coire nan Lachlan (I doubt this is how you spell it, but another thing about the Scots, they don’t speak the same language as we do!). It’s about a 90 minute uphill hike into the “Corrie”, unless you head up the wrong valley first!

Fortunately, we didn’t get too far up the wrong valley and only added about 40 minutes of walking to our day. Once in the proper Corrie (probably around 11am), we found parties on nearly everything, but we timed it well enough not to have to wait too long for one of the classics in the area – Scabbard Chimney. Unfortunately, we didn’t really find the chimney – too much snow and ice! Instead of pushing ourselves and seeing how Scottish grades really related to what I was used to here in the US, we just had a quick romp.

Where's the chimney? Stuart Lade finds cruiser climbing on Scabbard Chimney

Where’s the chimney? Stuart Lade finds cruiser climbing on Scabbard Chimney

We then did another classic line – Ordinary Route. Again, deep snow and a lack of gear added a little bit of spice to the occasion on otherwise quite straight-forward climbing.


Day Three: Best Laid Plans

There is one mountain in Scotland that does NOT involve a long approach: Meall Gorm. Two and a half hours of driving saw us at the base with only a 15-minute approach between us and the cliff.

NOT winter conditions

NOT winter conditions

Unfortunately it also saw temperatures at about 5 degrees celsius and nearly a complete lack of winter conditions on our intended lines. Up the soggy gully it was to make sure we got some climbing in!

Nothing like climbing liquid mud and loose rock...

Nothing like climbing liquid mud and loose rock…


How you salvage a day... drytool soloing!

How you salvage a day… drytool soloing of course!

Day Four: Plan B

For the second half of the week I’d be climbing with a new host, Martin. We met up Wednesday night after Nick Bullock’s hilarious slideshow (of which his exploits on Cathedral last year were a big piece) and Martin had a brilliant plan in store: the Central Buttress of Ben Eighre (pronounced “Ben-A”… have I mentioned that the Scots can’t spell?).

It’s a two and a half hour approach up to the Central Buttress. Here in the Northeast that would constitute a remote backcountry crag. We were the 7th party in line to get on the Central Buttress!

Conga Lines on Ben Eighre

Conga Lines on Ben Eighre

Off it was to the classic moderate West Buttress route while the the masses waited for the lead party to finish a 3-hour lead on the crux pitch of Central! Suckers!

From the top of the West Buttress

From the top of the West Buttress









Day Five: Have I Mentioned that Scottish Weather is Crap?

Forecasted 90-100 mile winds across the Scottish mountains, and rain. What is one to do?

6 meter route... 4 meter fall...

6 meter route… 4 meter fall…

Drytool of course! Nothing like a 4 meter fall on a 6 meter route to get your day started! Or to lose grip on your tool, have it fall, hit you in the helmet, and then tumble 100′ directly at your belayer who is tied into a tree! Good thing for gri-gris! And who invited the jackass American to the crag?!

Day Six: Pay Day

Somehow, my crampons nearly skewering his neck and my tool nearly eviscerating him the day before didn’t convince Mark that I was a liability, so he invited Martin and I to join him and his guest for our final day out on the Meet. Our goal, a four-star ice route in the Ben Eighre area called Poachers’ Falls.

Sunrise heading into Poachers' Falls

Sunrise heading into Poachers’ Falls

Poachers’ isn’t particularly hard, but true waterfall ice is somewhat rare in Scotland, and what it lacked in steepness, it made up for in setting: 3 pitches of fun climbing overlooking Ben Eighre, the mountains of Torridon, the North Atlantic, and the Hebrides. Combine this with a great partner, and another party of good people on the route, and you have a great cap to an amazing trip.

Views coming off of Poachers' Falls

Views coming off of Poachers’ Falls


 The International Winter Meet was a fantastic opportunity to meet other climbers from around the world, share in a common love of winter and suffering, and learn a thing or two about how this crazy sport we all love came about. If you have a chance, head over to Scotland: the ice is crap, but man, the climbing is awesome, and the local climbers are a blast to share a rope with!

Mount Washington Valley Ice Fest 2014 – Highlights

Everyone comes out for this fest!  And for good reason.  This year’s Ice Fest was a huge success.  Saturday night for the main presentation, the Theater in the Wood was at capacity.  The biggest Ice Festival in the Northeast keeps getting bigger and better.  Around 245 people were there for the Friday evening events, 420 folks came to the Saturday evening events, 310 guided ice climbing clients, 39 guides, around 25 sponsors, a live band performance!.. not to mention a burrito truck.. Need I say more?!

I will..

ime after party

Upstairs at IME!

This was a full three day weekend with clinics and demos happening all day Friday as well as Saturday and Sunday.  It brought out the big names of both guest guides and local guides.  The major climbing gear and clothing manufacturers were there and they all converged at the after-clinic party which was held at the mothership, IME, in the evenings before the slideshows. NEice supplied the hot soup, Tuckerman Brewing Company supplied the beer, the American Alpine Club supplied the wine and everyone was already well stocked on good conversation and good times.

Friday night was Barry Blanchard’s presentation and as Bernie Mailhot puts it, it was a great retrospective presentation with gusto, spicy anecdotes, and good humor (with great microphone sound effects).  He is always humble and giving much deserved praise and gratitude to his climbing partners.  Opening that act was Jeff Longcor talking about his expeditions to Kirgistan.

Climbers, both in clinics and going out on their own, were at the crags, cliffs and alpine nooks and crannies all weekend.  Being out there climbing myself, I can’t say enough how awesome the camaraderie is amongst climbers during an event like this.  Some people go out of town when there’s an ice festival, thinking all the ice routes will be packed with people and climbing will be a miserable experience of waiting in line.  But from what I experienced, there was plenty of ice to go around and everyone was friendly and accommodating.  People were just stoked to be out!  And to top it off, the weather was really pleasant all weekend.


Majka Burhardt on the stage.

Saturday night, Majka Burhardt gave props to New Hampshire climbing during a refreshingly lively presentation.  I think the ice climbing community is psyched to have her as a NH resident.  She opened for Tim Emmett, who is a someone that needs no introduction.  From his crazy base jumping, wing suit flying, and WI11 climbing, there wasn’t a dull moment.

On Sunday, Cathedral Ledge was busy.  Repentance and Remission were in  great shape and were being climbed.  Tim Emmett, Jason Kruk and the usual suspects, Bayard Russell and Kevin Mahoney were making work of the thin ice smears that were found all over the cliff.

The NEice choppers took to the air this weekend and took some of the best and most stable footage so far.  At year two of this project, it’s exciting to be able to see the product of all the hard work that’s been put in.  We decided to take some long and high flights to capture some of the big picture of northeast ice.  Here it is!

Frankenstein and Cathedral Ledge from on Vimeo.

Cathedral Ledge has had some good conditions lately and the visiting climbers took full advantage. Below are a few photos taken at the ledge Sunday during the event. Including Tim Emmett (in red) sending  “Jack on Ice”.

NEice would like to give many thanks to the group that puts this shindig together.  Anne Skidmore Russell, Naomi Risch, Michael Wejchert, Ashley Link and Hanna Lucy on the planning committee.  And of course IME, IMCS, all the guides and sponsors. Without them, there would be no Ice Fest. Thank you!

Photos by Doug Millen and Courtney Ley. Cover photo, Andrea Charest on Remission.




Join the 16th Annual Catskill Ice Festival

February 7, 8, 9, 10, 2014

This year again there will be multiple clinics on all the skills and techniques you need to get out on ice – from basic skills, to dry-tooling, to glacier travel techniques.
Slide shows on Friday & Saturday evening.  Slide shows will be held at Rock and Snow at 8pm.

The demo gear will be located at Rock and Snow – so you can try out the latest Harnesses, Ice Tools, Crampons, and clothing from the best companies. You know them – Black Diamond, Petzl, La Sportiva, Outdoor Research & Rab.


Friday Night: Catskills Aerial

Join local guide and guidebook author, Marty Molitoris as he shows you an aerial view of the areas we all know and love, and some new ones as well…
Held at Rock & Snow, 8pm

Saturday Night: Kevin Mahoney

Northeast climbing in the winter, and first ascents in Alaska and Nepal.
Held at Rock and Snow, 8pm will be there with hot soup and Doug’s Helicopters will be taking aerial video of the climbing. Hope to see you there.

More here…


 Feature Photo: Brinton Price climbing in The Black Chasm – RAS

Smuggs Ice Bash 2014 – Recap

Smugglers Notch Ice Bash kicked off with an awesome evening at Petra Cliffs!  There was an great line up of competitors ready to crush the route set by Matt McCormick and Peter Kamitses. There’s no where else in the Northeast you can go to see this kind of show!

The winners of the 2014 Smuggs Ice Bash Indoor Comp. at Petra Clif

The winners of the 2014 Smuggs Ice Bash Dry Tool Competition at Petra Cliffs

The Dry Tool Competition Winners



1st – Alexa Siegel

2nd – Andrea Charest

3rd – Lindsay Fixmer



1st – Whit Magro

2nd – Will Mayo

3rd – Roy Quanstrom





Photos: 1.The competitors  2.Alexa Siegel 3.Will Mayo 4.Andrea Charest

Video Recap of the Competition

[iframe src=”″ frameborder=”0″ width=”640″ height=”360″]  

There for the festivities was the American Alpine ClubFurnace IndustriesUS SherpaOutdoor Gear Exchange and Health Warrior. Before and after the comp, Dry Ice Tools and tools from Black Diamond and Cassin were available for demos on the climbing wall.  To top it off, raffle prizes were given away, sponsored by Crag-VT!


Hot beverages and hot soup!
Courtesy of NEice and Outdoor Gear Exchange

NEice was proud to sponsor a women’s beginner clinic on Saturday led by Andrea Charest.  The clinic was free to all participants and judging by this photo, it looks like everyone had a blast!  And of course, hot soup was waiting for everyone who came down from the notch after a day of climbing.  There were great clinics offered all weekend from Steep Ice and Mix climbing to Alpine Climbing to Double Rope Techniques by guides including Tim Farr, Steve Charest, Mike Bauman, Matt Bressler, Mark Puleio and Michael Wejchert.  Guest guides this year were Whit Magro and Lindsay Fixmer!  Demo gear from all the major manufacturers were there and Smuggler’s Notch Inn was packed with people checking out the gear.  By the end of the morning on Saturday, -all- the ice tools on -every- table were headed out for the day.


Michael Wejchert gives some mix climbing tips during Sunday’s clinic.

Once the demo gear was out, the reps and guides were psyched to get out and climb.  Kevin Mahoney and Michael Wejchert spent their Saturday on Dominatrix (WI4+/5 M6), put up by local hardmen Alden Pellett and Dave Furman in 1998.  It was one of the hardest mix routes during the late 90’s and sent with straight shafted tools at the time.  Hats off.  Lindsay got her first taste of Vermont ice with Steve Charest as her tour guide while Matt McCormick and I decided to head to the Blue Room. When we reached the top of the notch, we were greeted by strong wind gusts and snow.  It was definitely a full-on day!  It was great to see everyone out, climbing or snowshoeing and skiing the road and embracing the Vermont winter.


Kevin Mahoney on the Dominatrix.
Photo by Michael Wejchert

Saturday night, Lindsay Fixmer showcased a little of her singer/songwriter talent and entertained the crowd with a song about women in climbing and the guiding world accompanied by photographs.  It’s not often the guest presenter brings a guitar!  That was followed up by Whit Magro.  He presented a slide show about climbing at home, traveling to bigger places, then heading back home to climb after those experiences.. and then doing it all over again.  More great raffle prizes were handed out and Smuggs Bash teeshirts thrown into the crowd.  We all love free swag!


Lindsay Fixmer and her guitar Saturday night


Climbing clinic at the Mystery Wall.

On Sunday, the temperatures plummeted, but mere -7 degrees wouldn’t stop this festival.  I headed up the notch with Lindsay for a women’s clinic along with Jess Jablonski.  Despite the cold temperatures, these women spent the day laughing, climbing and learning.  It was a great group of gals and I feel lucky to have had the opportunity to teach and climb with them. This year was big!  And it will only get better and better with Andrea and Stephen Charest running the show!  With that said, NEice extends the biggest of thanks to Andrea and Steve for all they do, not just for the Vermont climbers but the entire northeast climbing community and making the Annual Smugglers Notch Ice Bash a huge success.  We love being apart of it!


Photo by Michael Wejchert

More photos of the event on the Smuggs Ice Bash facebook page.  LIKE them to make sure you are ready for next year!

– Courtney Ley /

Featured story cover photo by Sam Simon Imaging. Competition photos by Doug Millen. Other photos by Courtney Ley and as noted.


Paradox Sports Returns to North Conway

The Third Annual Adaptive Ice Climbing Event

Its called Paradox Ice – we’re taking 20 athletes with physical disabilities ice climbing at Cathedral Ledge.

Dates: Friday, Feb 7 to Sunday Feb 9, 2014


Photo by Claudia Lopez

Boulder, CO – Paradox Sports is pleased to announce that the third annual Paradox Ice event in North Conway, New Hampshire February 7-9, 2014. Throughout the weekend, 20 adaptive athletes will learn about the specialized equipment and adaptive techniques needed to climb vertical walls of ice.

Participants range from wounded warriors with PTSD to amputees, paraplegics and  visually impaired athletes. Registration includes meals, lodging, equipment rental and professional guide services.

Co-founder and below-the-knee amputee, Malcolm Daly, launched Paradox Ice in 2008: “Ice is the great equalizer. None of us can climb it without adaptive equipment. We just go one step further.”

Paradox Ice is open to people with physical disabilities, their families or caretakers and military veterans. This is event is made possible by the guides at Ascent Climbing and Alpine Inspirations.

For more information or to register for the upcoming climbs, please visit

Scholarships and financial assistance are available.

Program Coordinator and guide Nate McKenzie of Ascent Climbing: “Weʼ re
excited to bring Paradox Sports adaptive climbing programs to the north east. Its
the only event of its kind in the region and the community really steps up to
support Paradox and our athletes.”

We still have a few spots left and we’re looking for more participants. We can provide full scholarships and tuition assistance for folks that need it.

If folks want to help support our trip by making a small donation to Paradox Sports, they should visit our CrowdRise fundraiser at

Mark Synnott is giving a free slideshow at the Flatbread / Eastern Slope Inn conference room at 7:30pm on Saturday, February 8. Open to the public.

More Here..

Paradox Sports is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that improves peopleʼ s lives by creating adaptive sport communities built to inspire.

Photos by Claudia Lopez

The Heretic


Heresy: An unorthodox practice, publicly avowed, and obstinately defended.

Heretic: One who carries out the above; traditionally burned alive as penalty for sins.



article by Patrick Cooke


There’s a particular dogma within our community that drives us and binds us together: get out every chance you can. Our season is short, and we need to make the most of it. Last year I climbed 55 days. I could have gotten out more, but I feel pretty good about the fact that I managed to get out so much in a season that didn’t begin for me until the week before Christmas, a full month after Doug, Court, Alan, and the rest of the gang had broken out the tools for first swings.

I needed to get out those 55 days. For me, every day out was a session in vertical therapy. Throwing myself at the ice, day in and day out, let me work through everything else that I couldn’t control in my life. I was the poster-child of the addicted ice climber – I couldn’t climb enough.


But how many of those days were truly good days? How many were days where I walked away as the sun set, thinking “damn, that was a great day of climbing!”?  The truth is, although I climbed a ton last winter, it wasn’t really my best season of ice climbing. For every great day I had where I’d climb something noteworthy for me, there’d be another day of cruising up moderates because that’s all my mind could handle. Sure, moderate ice is fun, but climbing it because you feel like you should instead of because you want to isn’t necessarily inspiring. In fact, on many of those days, I probably would have been better off skiing, running, reading, sleeping in, or hanging out with friends.

I won’t be climbing 55 days this winter. Having a full-time job made that a foregone conclusion before the season even began. But 40 days would be possible. 30 would be easy. I doubt I’ll get 25 days out this winter. And I’m fine with that.

An Unorthodox Practice:

Two weekends ago, I passed up the opportunity to go ice climbing. Not moderate gully cruising or anything of that like… a day at the Lake taking advantage of hero ice on steep lines I either haven’t done before or would usually jump at the chance of doing again. I stayed home, took a yoga class, climbed some with friends at the local gym, saw my extended family.

I’ve gotten picky in when I’m willing to go out… I’m bailing if it’s too cold, too rainy, or the offerings not inspiring enough. Instead I’m climbing in a gym, reading, writing, doing yoga, running, pursuing relationships, hanging out with friends, and everything else I’ve swept aside in my dogmatic pursuit of ice week in and week out.

Publicly Avowed:

I don’t know how many days I’ve climbed so far this winter. I started counting at the beginning of the winter, but don’t really care to bother at this point. Maybe it’s 12 or 13 days… it doesn’t really matter. What does matter is how I’m climbing. Despite going two weeks between swings of the tools at times, I’m climbing better than I ever have.

This season I haven’t been getting out much, but every day has been a quality day. There haven’t been any of the “why am I here?” moments that seemed to happen so frequently when I was forcing getting on the ice. I’ve led pitches this winter I’d have been too chicken-shit to lead last winter, all with a cool, calm head and none of the overwhelming feelings of panic that lead to this.

I’m more relaxed, calmer, and climbing better. Replacing a single-minded obsession with a more balanced approach to life is reaping dividends for me. In three days of climbing in the Daks last weekend, I led more hard pitches and with greater ease than I did in 10 days in the Canadian Rockies last winter. Climbing the first pitch of PowerPlay Sunday as a pretty much dry, seriously runout line that required every trick I knew might have been the best lead I’ve ever done.

I have no regrets over bailing on that day at the Lake.

Obstinately Defended:

I’m not sure most people on this site agree with my stance. But I’m standing by it. I’ll climb less if that means I climb better.

The Heretic beginning his easiest lead of the Mountainfest Weekend

The Heretic beginning his easiest lead of the Mountainfest Weekend


There’s a heretic among us… Light your torches!